Take in the masses of Australian land that stretch on beyond.

The merino flock has the opportunity to graze the native run country each winter, after shearing, and for lambing in spring.
Location: 395 Tooms Lake Road Ross Tasmania 7209
Size: 12,400 hectares
Farmer Name: Julian and Annabel von Bibra
Number of sheep: 20,000 Micron: 17.5 Annual Kg’s: 120,000
Julian and Annabel have a strong sense of connection to the Midlands of Tasmania. The last 30 years has seen them raise a family, build their business and work with their team to produce a premium merino wool product.
Beaufront was purchased by Julian’s Great Grandfather “Wig” von Bibra in 1916. The farm is RWS accredited.
The merino flock has the opportunity to graze the native run country each winter, after shearing, and for lambing in spring. These landscapes are lightly timbered and have an under storey of native tussocks which are ideal in ensuring animal welfare needs are met during extreme weather events.
Much of the property is managed for conservation. At the same time the opportunity to invest in water development has seen centre pivot irrigators installed in some of the open arable parts of the property. High value crops and lucerne stands ensure grain and hay for drought periods, and green feed for growing sheep over summer.
The family’s commitment to the wool industry sees an annual two-week training course, for new shearers and shed staff, conducted annually in the Beaufront woolshed.
The farm has developed strong relationships with the University of Tasmania. These connections see students conducting scientific research, on farm, around their own honours, masters, and PhD studies. The property has also partnered with several leading conservation organisations to conserve remnant native grassland, promote biodiversity and partner in restoration projects. These protect water ways, build carbon, and create connectivity to help native ecosystems combat climate change. The organisations include The Tasmanian Land Conservancy, Bush Heritage, Greening Australia and NRM North.
Annabel and Julian value the properties long history of community involvement alongside their passion for wool growing and conservation.

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